get ready for your bee sponsorship

By participating in a bee sponsorship, your company not only actively saves bees and the environment but also demonstrates active commitment in the CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) sector. 

up to 0 bees

can live in a single hive

your starter bee-package contains

€ 500 / year

  • Bee sponsorship for an entire bee hive for the duration of one season (1 year).
  • Support 1 beehive in terms of housing, food, and health measures.
  • The beehive will be professionally cared by a local beekeeper.
  • Photos and regular updates of the beehive for full use on social media, intranet ,...
  • Company logo (provided by you) prominently placed on the beehive itself.
  • 500g of tasty honey for your office kitchen.
  • Issuance of a bee sponsorship certificate.
  • Bee worry free - sponsorship will end automatically.